Xi'An Imperium
The Xi'An Empire is a hereditary absolute monarchy located along the border of the Eastern Systems. It is comprised of at least fourteen systems and is governed by Emperor Kray. The emperor has a High Council of Advisers, each representing a facet of the government. A similar government
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The Banu were the first extraterrestrial race to be found and contacted by Humans.
First contact was made by a man named Vernon Tar in the Davien System while in the search for new jump-points in the year 2438.
Xi'An Imperium
The Xi'An Empire is a hereditary absolute monarchy located along the border of the Eastern Systems. It is comprised of at least fourteen systems and is governed by Emperor Kray. The emperor has a High Council of Advisers, each representing a facet of the government. A similar government structure is found on each Xi'An controlled planet, with every planetary council member reporting to their respective counterparts on the Emperor's Council.
Military Service
Service in the Military is compulsory for every male and female in the Xi'An Empire. After an obligatory term of service (fifteen years) in one of the branches of the military all Xi'Ans are considered to be reserve members for the rest of their life. The standing Xi’An armed forces consist currently of over sixteen million members, not including the civilian populace, all of which effectively have combat training. While not inherently aggressive or expansionist in their nature, the Xi'An history is rife with civil war and power struggles. However over the last 500 years the Xi'An have adopted alternate methods to warfare preferring subtlety and manipulation to overt conflict. Xi’An influence is suspected in the revolution and subsequent overthrow of Imperator Messer XIX in 2792.
Relationship with UEEE
In the darker era of human history, the Imperator and government often used the Xi’An threat as a means to terrify their own citizens and swell the power of the military. Although neither side declared open war, there were many casualties on both sides from covert operations, sabotage, and espionage. Due to their extended lifespan, there are Xi’An from that era are still alive. For example, Emperor Kray who negotiated the daring peace accord with Senator Akari in 2789 is still in power. There are undoubtedly members of the Xi’An government who still regard the UEE with suspicion and distrust. The current Imperator has always been clear that the futures of two nations are intertwined. As more human Corps enter into tech-exchange deals with Xi’An companies, apparently they feel the same.